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A managed test service that meets clients specific needs

Providing our client with a managed test service that meets their specific needs for now and for the future

Our client, a full-service UK challenger bank of significant scale, required a trusted test partner to help them meet project delivery demand, whilst bringing best-in-class improvement initiatives into play smoothly, to proactively assist them in moving forward on their digital transformation journey.

Despite having a range of technology partners operating across their business, they felt that a specialist test organisation, supporting them in helping manage their suppliers, would complement their IT landscape.

We swiftly put in place a flexible senior resource model - with the ability and processes in place to scale at speed - to provide them with high quality, appropriately skilled and experienced test resources, to enhance their existing organisation.

At the same time, we established a complementary consultancy workstream that ensured that our client had the most up-to-date advice and best-practice views gained from our engagements with all of our clients.

Our staff quickly became key resources, engaging in all quality assurance aspects across the bank’s entire project portfolio and giving our client welcome stability, quality and confidence in their approach to quality assurance.

We embedded a Test and Governance model which the bank relies upon along with a clearly defined Test Strategy that moves them towards the end-state model based on Agile and QA principles.

We also became a trusted advisor that helped shape the direction of travel in terms of testing and helped align to the wider organisational and structural changes required on their transformational journey.

In addition to providing greater confidence to the bank in their project delivery activities, we supported senior management on a range of topics from ITT structure and content to test environment strategies.

All of this formed part of our overall Managed Service that was based on the provision of a flexible workforce that maximises the value of testing and de-risk projects, working closely with their third-party suppliers and increasing our client’s certainty of delivery.