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Learning partnerships

Photograph of 2i employees at the annual Connect conference

Opportunities for all

2i is a testing and quality assurance specialist, and central to our value system is providing the opportunity for people of all backgrounds to get a break in this industry.

Within the team are dozens of engineers who are either in their first job, from our graduate-entry training and progression framework, or engineers who have completely switched careers and are in their first tech role after transitioning from an unrelated sector.

Our engineers are now on the cutting edge of the test engineering and digital landscape, developing skills across test automation, performance, accessibility, compatibility, security, DevOps and continuous integration.


We welcome graduates from across the UK into 2i and onto our training programme. To attract the best candidates to the tech sector, we work in partnership with Code Clan and Edinburgh College. The Skills Boost programme is funded by the Scottish Government, and bootcamp students are given a project to undertake, gaining real-world digital skills.

Career changers

2i has just launched a new programme dedicated to career changers with it's aim: to break down the sector’s barriers to entry.

This is free-of-charge, open to anyone to complete at any time, and includes technical resources, interview tips, and real life testimonials from some of the 2i engineering team who have already made a successful career change.


2i have made a commitment to introduce apprenticeships as another low barrier route for students without a degree.

The apprentices will complete a longer training period up front and will study for formal qualifications up to full degree level alongside their work. This initiative will give college and school leavers an alternative route to gain digital qualifications without the traditional full time university course, while also gaining real world industry experience.


This year we're partnering with not-for-profit organisation, Generation, to focus on people who are NEET (not in education, employment or training). This directly targets the under privileged to provide opportunities, tackling economic inequalities. We intend to introduce our QA Training to existing Generation training to open the door to careers in tech. We'll start out in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London.​

Join our team

We are always on the lookout for forward thinking professionals who have a passion for what they do. Find out a little more about the types of role on offer here at 2i, or jump straight into the latest vacancies.

Current opportunities