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Testing Insights


Does your team have the tools it needs to effectively collaborate?

Collaboration is key to the success of any project, but does your team have the tools it needs to do so effectively?

Idea to Reality – The Supplier Minefield

The right supplier can work with you to deliver the right solution for your needs, however, how do you know if a supplier is the right fit?

Why we test

What do you want? Speed or quality? The two are not mutually exclusive, however, they do have an impact on each other, so a balance must be struck.


Infographic: Is your Agile project in need of rescue?

This handy infographic looks at Agile project disaster warning signs and offers some tips on preventing those problems.


3 skills needed for better collaboration

Collaboration is key to ensuring a successful conclusion to your projects.

DevOps Test Methodologies Agile

Moving from Waterfall to Agile? 5 Steps to Avoid Certain Death

With an increasing consumer demand for regular and rapid deployment of releases, developments teams are increasingly moving away from Waterfall and towards Agile.

Signs that your internal processes are failing

Here are some warning signs that indicate your internal processes are failing (and a few suggestions for fixing the issues).

DevOps Agile

Easy steps to transform your organisational workflow using Agile

If your organisation is relatively new to the Agile methodology, then you can achieve some rapid and easy benefits for your organisational workflow by implementing a number of quick wins.

When is your job finished (‘it’s not my job’ isn’t a valid excuse)

When it comes to the responsibilities of various people on your team (including yourself, your superiors and your subordinates) the key is individual ownership.

Test Automation

Increasing the Adoption of Automated Software Testing in Your Organisation

Common barriers to the adoption of automated software testing in organisations.

Test Methodologies

Will embracing Agile put an end to Offshore Outsourcing?

In our latest blog post, Pauline talks about the challenges of outsourcing and how Agile is the way forward.

Test Automation

Test Automation: How going round in circles improves your chances of reaching your destination

Experienced Test Engineer, Greg McKenna introduces us to his way of thinking when it comes to Test Automation.

Test Methodologies

Is stakeholder management important in project delivery? – A Testers Perspective

We should fully understand the needs of each stakeholder and deliver to each individual’s expectations in a professional and transparent manner if the software solution is to be deemed a success both objectively and subjectively. Would you agree with this?

DevOps Test Methodologies Test Automation

DevOps – you just can’t get away from it!

DevOps has become one of the hottest topics in technology circles and one that you can’t get away from, but what does it mean for Testers and the role we play in DevOps?

DevOps Test Automation

5 reasons why a good Test Data Management strategy is essential for today’s Test functions

Have you had to adapt your approach to Test Data Management to meet the demands of the Digital Age? If so, what changes have you made?


5 things to remember when training to be a Software Tester

Kash shares some helpful hints & tips during his Software Testing training.