Listening - that's where it all starts.

To get to the route of the problem, and to find out the direction and the end-goal of the customer, we first need to listen. Ask questions, listen more, ask more questions...

Here in Consultancy, we solve process and technology problems in many shapes and sizes across multiple clients.

  • Test practice and strategy? We look for ways to improve it.
  • Automation? We map out implementation strategies and recommend technologies.
  • Test Data management? We map out dependencies, recommend toolsets and optimise workflows.

Always bespoke to fit the needs of the client.

Speak up!

If you are interested in taking part in one of our consultation engagements, be sure to speak up!
With such a breadth of engagements, any skills you currently have will be valuable, and you will have a chance to be exposed to new clients and new learning opportunities. All you need to bring is a mind for problem-solving and analysis, and an interest in discussing technology related problems.