2i are all about our employees and our commitment to this has been tested like never before due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have been in the very fortunate position of continuing to grow in these highly uncertain times and this has placed ever more emphasis on the way we operate and collaborate as a team. In particular, how we continue to remotely recruit, onboard and engage with our new employees has been crucial.
Our onboarding process, where we integrate a new employee into 2i, is a critical time to establish connections with their new colleagues and embed our culture, ensuring our new member to the team settles in quickly and easily. It is a key input into setting the tone for our employees’ success and experience at 2i, so we want to continue to get this right even if we’re doing it remotely.
Starting a new job, whilst exciting, can also be intimidating, particularly in those early days when onboarding and more so now when you realise you’ll be working in a remote team. It’s important for us that we ensure our team member has the feel of collaboration and team support with the appropriate tools they need to work effectively at home.
At 2i, we use (now familiar) tools like Microsoft Teams to manage our day to day tasks and Zoom to host video interviews and meetings. We think our new way of working is so effective we see us continuing to use this even when life starts to feel slightly “normal” again.
All the tasks that we would normally carry out within the office environment - interviewing, onboarding and induction - still need to happen and by adopting new tools and strategies we are striving to make our remote working environment as comfortable and effective as we can.
As we value our staff, we conducted a remote working survey with all of them to gain feedback on how they feel about remote working. The responses have been very positive, and this invaluable feedback will enable us to make further decisions as we come out of the pandemic and influence the future of our ‘new normal’ way of working.
So, we’ll continue to monitor our recruitment and onboarding processes to ensure we give the best possible introduction to 2i and make sure our new employees are well-equipped to perform in their role as much as possible.
Get in touch with me if you’d like to know more about the opportunities we currently have and if you’d like more information on what it’s like working for us.